People Who Use Drugs at Young Ages More Likely to Develop Addictions

A lot of people experiment with drugs and alcohol during their teenage years. In most cases, the experimentation is harmless. They have a bit of fun, get some rebellion out of their systems, and learn that there’s nothing magical about using substances.

While most people make it through these rebellious years without getting hurt, others develop drug problems that haunt them throughout life. It’s important for adults to pay close attention to how teens use substances, especially if they are still quite young.

Research has shown that the earlier a person is when she first uses drugs has an influence on whether she will develop a drug problem later in life. Teens who start experimenting when they are 13 or 14 are much more likely to develop problems than those who use substances at 18 years old.

This knowledge should influence the way that parents react when they learn that their teenagers have been using drugs or alcohol. If you catch your 18-year-old son smoking pot on one occasion, then you might make a positive impact by having a discussion about the possible repercussions of using drugs.

If, however, you catch your 12-year-old smoking pot, you might need to make a firmer statement. That child, after all, has a much higher risk of developing a serious drug addiction than the 18-year-old who made a mistake.

In some cases, parents decide that their teens need professional assistance. The good news is that teens who get help early are much more likely to recover from drug abuse and avoid dependency than teens who continue to use drugs. Sunshine Summit Lodge works with teenagers so they can develop healthier choices that will improve all areas of their lives.

Even though it causes a lot of stress and pain, catching your teenager early could be the best scenario. But it’s important to understand the risks, respond appropriately, and seek help when it’s needed.

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